Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Kuching rush 古晋匆匆

Linda (左二  2nd left), Rose (左三 3rd left)及小儿子

Last Wednesday & Thurssay, I was in Kuching to visit my sick friend Peter in a private hospital. He is suffering from Aplastic Anemia, a blood disorder.,

I took this opportunity too to meet up with a few friends over there.

Alice has been transferred from KL to Kuchang more than 2 years ago. I was meeting her for the first time in Kuching, and her apartment offered me a convenient accommodation.

Annie Ng is a hard working teacher in Kuching. I last met her was about 3 years ago. She treated me for dinner and presented me with Kuching famous colored layered cakes to bring home.

Peter and wife Linda are from Sibu. Linda was with Peter for the past 10 days, keeping him company while he undergoing treatment.

I was surprised to meet a deceased acquaintance's daughter who happened to be Linda's friend.

May merciful God the Father blesses Peter a speedy recovery.

(More pictures in Facebook)

上个星期三及四,我到古晋一家私人医院探访朋友Peter。他患上了一种“再生不良性贫血”症 - 骨髓不会制造血小板。


Alice 爱丽丝,从吉隆坡调回到古晋服务已近两年了,这是我们在古晋的第一次见面,她的公寓是我最方便的住宿了。更妙的是,她让我使用她的车代步,我出入可方便多了!

Annie 是一位非常勤劳的老师。我们上一次见面,是古晋交流会期间。她热情的请我们吃晚餐,还送给我古晋著名的千层糕,作为带回家的伴手礼。

Peter & Linda 是诗巫的教友。在古晋的整十天的治疗期间,Linda 都陪伴在丈夫的左右。

我也很惊讶的遇见了古晋20多年前,第三届古晋交流会认识的老朋友陈少白的女儿,陈如兰女士。她也很惊叹能够遇到他爸爸在西马的朋友。少白兄在十五年前,蒙主恩召 ,回归天乡。


(更多照片Facebook )

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