Saturday, August 30, 2014

意大利圣地自由行 -- 亚西西、佛罗伦斯、巴杜亚 Assis,Florence, Padua

Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi  圣方济格亚西西圣殿
After Rome, we went to Assisi.

Assisi is famous because of St. Francis, a great saint of the Catholic church.

We stayed at a hotel just opposite the train station. The hotel owner and staff are very friendly and caring. We have to leave Assisi for Florence the next morning, so the owner prepared a breakfast package for us night before, and reminding us not to forget to bring on to the train.

Basilica of Santa Maria Degli Angeli is just 10 minutes walk from the hotel. It was built over a 9th centuary chapel where Francis heard the voice of God calling him to "rebuilt my church". It is the holiest shrine of Capuchin Franciscan Order.

Basilica of St Francis was built on top of a hill, overlooking the valley. The in-corrupt body of St Francis was laid inside the Basilica. 

The roads on the hilltop town of Assisi are steep and narrow. We have to walk to see all places related to St. Francis, including the Basilica of St. Clare, cooperator of  Francis in his early ministry.

After Assisi, we headed to Florence.

The famous Pisa leaning tower is an hour train ride away.

It was a short stay in Florence. The next day, we left for Venice and making a stopover of 4 hours in Padua to visit the Basilica of St. Anthony.

St. Anthony was a faithful follower of St. Anthony.

(See pictures of Assis in Facebook)

(See pictures of  Pisa and Florence in Facebook)




圣方济格大殿建在山上,远望非常的宏伟,里面放置着圣人的遗体。沿着斜陡的山路,我们参观了山上大部份方济格有关的圣地,包括圣女嘉兰(St. Clare)的遗体及许多遗物等。当天天气炎热,我们除了汗流浃背外,脚的肌肉也吃不消了。在山上逗留了大半天后,我们也回到了酒店。


离开亚西西,我们前往弗洛伦斯(Florence )(诗人徐志摩给了它一个非常浪漫的名字 -- 翡冷翠, 意大利原文 Firenze)。到了弗洛伦斯,首先要去观光的,是附近的比萨斜塔。




Pisa town center 比萨市区

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