Wednesday, January 4, 2017

我眼睛的故事 Story of my eyes


再仔细的观察,两只眼睛好像有很多泡沫闪烁,形成一个C形状,在眼角边,阻碍我的视线。 大约20分钟后,它逐渐消失,视力恢复正常。

大约30分钟后,这种状况再次出现,而且闪烁的泡沫更多,C 型几乎出现在半个眼球里。两只眼睛都是一样。

我心里有点惊慌,因为在5年前,我的左眼睛出血,因为视网破裂,后来经过镭射治疗后,得到修补,才免去严重视线损失的危险。(参阅旧帖子重新上路 以及灵魂之窗



而问题却原来是我有严重的扁头痛 (Migraine)




我现在除了眼睛常有“苍蝇与蚊子之外”, 还要习惯这个新的泡沫闪烁困扰。假如常常出现,我就有大问题,得去给予解决。目前只能够观察,看看情况是否变坏。假如常常出现这状况,我就需要去看神经科医生。



过后,我从医药网上查看,原来扁头痛有三种:第一,头痛眼睛没有光闪烁; 第二,头痛眼睛有光闪烁;第三,眼睛有光闪烁,但没有头痛(这类比较少见)。

Got up this morning, noticed something wrong with my eyesight. Looking at the TV news, I was not able to see the eyes of the news reader. Something blocking me.

With further observation, I noticed some bubble-like objects blinking in a C shape in both of my eyes, it blocked my vision. However, it disappeared after about 20 minutes.

Half an hour later, it reappeared. This time the C shape of blinking bubbles was bigger, covered almost half rims of my eyes.

I was anxious. Five years ago, my eye suffered from a tear in retina. (see old posts Back in action  and Window to my soul). So my wife called up for an appointment with my ophthalmologist in a private hospital.

Upon thorough checking with my eyes dilated, doctor gave me the good news: my eyes are OK, no pressure, no cataract, vision is good, BUT, the bad news is: I am suffering from Migraine!

Doctor said what I saw in my eyes is called Aura, a symptom of Migraine. But Migraine supposed to have severe headache... my condition is called Migraine with Aura, without pain.

Now I have to put up with " flies and mosquitoes" (floaters) in my eyes, Aura is added to the list. Doctor advised me to monitor my eyes for time being. If Aura appears more frequently, I need to see a neurologist.

Thank God, my eyes are OK.

Just to share with friends of my first experience as a piece of new information.

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